We’ve heard that word “happy” over and over again. What does it look like in the workplace and how do you know when it is there? Research has shown that companies with happy employees and a higher sense of purpose outperform others by 400%. Let’s face it happy people are more effective in everything that they do.

First, let’s dispel the myth that if employees are laughing and look like they’re having fun they’re really not working or getting anything done. Quite the contrary, it’s exactly the opposite and the reason why employees are probably getting more accomplished than meets the eye. Things become relatively simple and easy to do because you have an environment that fosters creativity.

Look for these things below and I guarantee you have happy employees and a winning environment. However, if for some reason you don’t recognize these qualities in your staff I challenge you to identify the reasons why and see how you can change your work environment for the better.

  1. Smiling – We have the obvious when employees are happy in any environment they show it and that usually comes with a smile. They look like they enjoy what they do and when people approach them they are ready to assist and easy approachable.
  1. Teamwork – We’ve all heard the saying “teamwork makes the dream work”. Collaboration is key with any group. Employees who readily show up and contribute are winning individuals. Notice I said the word ‘contribute”. Individuals may show up because they have to be there or are called to be in a meeting but to actively participate indicates that employees are encouraged to give ideas and feedback.
  1. High morale- High morale within an organization is an indication of confidence. When morale is high employees are not afraid to share ideas, be creative and do their best. They are also willing to take initiative and step outside of their area to get the job done.
  1. Action – Action in the workplace is a sign of movement and accomplishment. At some time or another we have all been a part of a slow environment. Slow doesn’t mean that there are not things to do. When employees are happy they create things to do linked to their job and performance.
  1. Production – The reason why companies exist! Production is the basis of morale. Production leads to growth and expansion, which lead to promotions, raises, loyal, fulfilled employees. You get the picture!!

Your own employees are your best Brand Ambassadors. Let’s make sure they are happy!

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